The sabberworm Weblog

The Funniest E-Mail I Ever Got

15 May 2012, Raphael Schweikert

…started something like this:

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14 November 2011, Raphael Schweikert

…would never have let this slide:

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Missing iOS Features

23 November 2010, Raphael Schweikert

Since Macworld posted a list which virtually overlaps nowhere (except for an option to mark all mail as read), I thought it would be interesting to mention my biggest gripes with iOS 4.2.

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PHP CSS Parser

10 June 2010, Raphael Schweikert

I’ve spent hours online looking for a CSS parser to use with PHP but all searches came up empty, half-assed or required me to register with some strange sites. Frustrated, I decided to write my own parser which is pretty much working but very incomplete. I don’t know whether this will be another write-once, update-never thing like much other PHP code on the web is but one feature is definitely coming: The ability to generate output from the parsed structure (which can be programmatically modified after parsing – or indeed have been created from scratch in PHP).

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All good things… (you know what’s coming)

14 October 2009, Raphael Schweikert

Sadly, I must inform you that my attempts at resolving the pending Legal issues with CBS have been unsuccessful and I’ve taken down Daxhotel from the App Store. The e-mail I got made it quite clear that it’s not possible to change Daxhotel in any way short of a complete rewrite to make it acceptable to CBS:

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Daxhotel = Fauxhotel?

7 October 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I’ve recently had to answer some emails asking (and rightly so) why Daxhotel, a currently unusable app is still being sold and I’ve had to come up with good answers all of which legitimate but none of them really convincing in itself. They were in essence:

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Crashes on load!?

29 July 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I have received a number of complaints recently about Daxhotel crashing during the initial data download process. I will be investigating the issue but even if I have a bug fix ready, it may take a long time to get the app ready for approval since the last update which I submitted to Apple for approval two months ago is still being reviewed.

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Sunk in deep

3 July 2009, Raphael Schweikert

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Daxhotel 1.2 w/ Search Feature Submitted

11 May 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I’ve now got myself to submit the new Daxhotel to Apple. This update contains the search feature you’ve been waiting for (see this article)! Many thanks to Christel and to Matthias Schorer for beta testing. Let’s hope Apple will not deny it because of “pending legal issues” (which have been pending for ages now).

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8 May 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I can’t believe Daxhotel is mentioned in a WIRED article. I’m very fond of my little app right now even though I’m not sure the writer of the article has done anything but copied the description…

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Search feature coming your way

7 May 2009, Raphael Schweikert

Good news, everyone,
It’s been a busy week: in addition to everything else that’s currently going on, I’ve been finishing Daxhotel’s search feature.

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Untitled (for now)

16 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert

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A Wish is Enough for Everyone

15 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I’m incredibly late with wishing everyone a happy new year but I’m extremely glad I got Flickr blog integration working!

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Deserted beach

15 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert

Deserted beach, originally uploaded by sabberworm.

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Doin’ the Blog

12 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert

Coding my own blog seemed to be an interesting challenge. I took it on to be able to post one simple message to my website. I have a (very irregular) journal on but my last real (non-music-related) blog entry dates back a few years (and was posted on my plain-HTML-based blog I had on my old non-server-side-scripting-driven website for which I even hand-coded an RSS-“Feed”) so it was also a matter of pride to be “in the scene” again (of course, being most likely the only one to have an HTML-only blog was also my pride… back when).

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My Biggest Gripes with the iTunes Store

28 January 2009, Raphael Schweikert

The iTunes Music Store was a great invention and I love it. As it is with everything, I also hate it because it swallows a big deal of my money every month (though recently, the iTunes Store has started giving me some of it back). But there are some things that continue to annoy me to no end.

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Tags: Itunes, Itunes-store

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Unit conversion command for Mozilla Ubiquity

19 January 2009, Raphael Schweikert

My first time playing with the dev side of Ubiquity.

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Daxhotel is selling! (Giveaway inside…)

19 January 2009, Raphael Schweikert

I honestly don’t know how successful I had Daxhotel expected to be; I hadn’t really thought about it at all. But I must say I was hugely impressed when I looked at the stats today and saw that since its debut on the App Store one week ago, my little iPhone app has been purchased exactly one hundred times.

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Tags: Daxhotel, Software