Untitled (for now)
16 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert
A Wish is Enough for Everyone
15 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert
I’m incredibly late with wishing everyone a happy new year but I’m extremely glad I got Flickr blog integration working!
Deserted beach
15 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert
Deserted beach, originally uploaded by sabberworm.
Doin’ the Blog
12 February 2009, Raphael Schweikert
Coding my own blog seemed to be an interesting challenge. I took it on to be able to post one simple message to my website. I have a (very irregular) journal on last.fm but my last real (non-music-related) blog entry dates back a few years (and was posted on my plain-HTML-based blog I had on my old non-server-side-scripting-driven website for which I even hand-coded an RSS-“Feed”) so it was also a matter of pride to be “in the scene” again (of course, being most likely the only one to have an HTML-only blog was also my pride… back when).